A New 'Gimmick'
Because Satan Was Laughing!
The debate covers two 9 page posts (18 pages), with, at last count, 200+ comments. These comments are not your fly by three line comments. The comments themselves are 140+ pages (in MS-Word using wide margins). Here is where it gets strange. The first 9 page document is a “Doctrinal Statement” written and signed in 1999. Yes, seven years ago the writers and signatories signed, sealed, and delivered it. The document ends with a set of declarations. The debate centers on one phrase in one sentence of one declaration. (Arguably, an important sentence, however; I found the other declarations ‘clarified’ the point as to make the argument moot - obviously not so to others.) The second 9 page post was a 'clarification' of the 'one phrase'!
We are supposed to be ‘faithful Bereans’ (Acts 17:11) and study ‘declarations of man’ to determine if they are Scriptural. One could ask if the document presented ‘Another Gospel’ (2 Peter 2:1-3, Gal. 1:6-8, 2 Cor 11:3-4), which to some, was the ‘heart’ of the argument based on one phrase! Do not mistake me - if that one phrase did indeed ‘change’ the Gospel of Christ (which to me it did not), then one should (at least) discard it.
What bothered and bothers me, is:
A. The document is seven years old, so it is not subject to change (only subject to discard by those that disagree with it - or edited under their own signatures).
B. The document in question is not the ‘Doctrinal Statement’ of any specific denomination or organization - it was an interdenominational effort signed by members of numerous denominations and organizations (as such - not a ‘binding’ document).
C. The REALLY big one, I could not help but think that Satan was laughing as these very genuine, learned, dedicated, and godly people argued the point.
Why was Satan laughing? Here were 10+ active contributors (and who knows how many passive readers - like myself) that were distracted from the basics of Christianity for a week! While arguing the point, there was certainly a lack of ‘obey’ & ‘glorify’. Some of the comments bordered on unrighteous anger. While busily responding to this ‘overriding’ argument, there was very little sharing the Gospel of Christ. The ‘prima facie’ evidence of my claim of distraction is in phrases (among others) like, “I have to go; my wife is telling me I’m blogging to much.” “I’m logging in from the church office between services.” (As far as I can tell, the issue remains unresolved.) The bottom line is where is the ‘Christ-like’ attitude and being about “My Father’s Business”?
Where is the balance? The article here, “Simply Seeking Simplicity” talks about the four basic elements of Christianity. Obedience, glorifying God, spreading the gospel, and searching the Scriptures as the foundation by which we live for Christ.
So, here is the “NEW GIMMICK”. I am starting the L4C-T Blog Ring. It is the “Living 4 Christ - Today” blog ring. What is the L4C-T and what is its purpose? The L4C-T blog ring is a list of sites that I have found that are primarily concerned with the ‘nuts and bolts’ of living every day for Christ. Theologians are fine; they are in many respects necessary. However, I return to a verse I referenced above, 2 Corinthians 11:3, “But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”& another, “For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.” 2 Corinthians 1:12
The focus on this blog primarily is ‘spreading the gospel’. That is what we try to do here. It is one of the four ‘by the numbers’ requisites to developing a Christ-like attitude, and being about “My Father’s Business”
We are linking (initially) to two other blogs (they do not know it yet) here in this article and in the sidebar under the “L4C-T Blog Ring” heading. (Some I.E. users have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the side bar).
The first is “Pulpit of the Last Days” (POLD). POLD has a ‘Basic Discipleship’ Course set up in modules to take one through many of the fundamentals of basic Bible/Christian doctrine, theology, and the pursuit of a Christ-like attitude by getting to know Christ better from the Scriptures.
The second is “Get Out of the Boat” (GOTB). GOTB is down and dirty basic encouragement. It is very practical encouragement, reminders, and lessons for living every day for Christ.
We will add sites (with an explanation) when they come to our attention. If you have a site suggestion, you can always email me (link in the sidebar) or post a comment.
I will leave the theological, exegetical, lexicographical, hermeneutical, linguistical 200 page debates to those more suited to it. I am a simple man, trying simply to live for Christ.
If you want to know what (I consider) the ‘fundamental doctrines’ of faith and a world view based on the Bible looks like visit my Views: Christian Studies & Principles August Archives. If you want to write 200 pages of debate on a phrase that you find to be ‘questionable’ Biblically, go ahead; just do not expect me to participate. If you do see something that you do not think is Biblical or needs re-wording for clarity - address it simply and I will respond to it, by editing it, clarifying it, or changing it (as I have done posts in the past).
Trying to K.I.S.S. what it means to be a Christian… To develop a ‘Christ-like’ attitude and Be about “My Father’s Business”
Unchained Slave
Please see the ‘Comments’ section for an important note.