Holy Inheritance
A comment and response from “Options & Consequences”
“Man, you're going home! It doesn't matter which you choose. On the Holy Inheritance blog today there is a post which I think is titled "Perfect Absolute Peace," or something like that. Although the message seems Christian, it surely is Buddhist, and Hindu, and Muslim, and Humanist. When you begin to see the oneness of all, you're very close.”
I know I am going home.
However, your view is of my ‘enlightenment’ is a very dangerous admixture of New Age Mysticism with Biblical truth.
I believe you have fallen prey to the first half of Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?”
I guess I failed to make my point. The only way to be ‘free’ from a deceitful and desperately wicked heart is the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
I could easily add a paragraph, “According to New Age Mysticism - I am not damned”. Since New Age Mysticism (N.A.M.) believes in a diverse mixture of mysticism, rational thought, and ‘one-ness’ with the universe - I am not damned. I recognize that many major and minor religions and cults entail a kernel of Truth. Additionally, N.A.M. accepts ‘all paths of enlightenment’ lead to ‘Universal Oneness’ and our actions ‘prove’ our association with the Divine and that we are ourselves ARE part of the Divine. I do try to do ‘good works’ as a natural extension of obedience to, and belief in God. The part of the Divine that rests in me is the Holy Spirit, given by God, according to the promise of Jesus Christ. Therefore, according to N.A.M. I am ‘closer’ to ‘Universal Understanding’.
Holy Inheritance, here is where the ‘model’ breaks down.
"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."" John 14:6
There is no vacillation here.
Jesus did not say, “No one comes to the Father except through Me AND obeys the dictates of a religious denomination.”
Jesus did not say, “No one comes to the Father except through Me OR follows a religion established to the God of Abraham through Abraham’s son Ishmael.”
Jesus did not say, “No one comes to the Father except through Me OR denies I am the Messiah of the Covenant with Isaac, and follows ALL of the Old Testament Law of Moses.”
Jesus did not say, “No one comes to the Father except through Me OR follows the a “Path of Enlightenment” established by a man of insight who recognized the basic evil nature of man’s heart and came up with a way to ‘purge’ it through discipline and rebirth.”
Jesus did not say, “No one comes to the Father except through Me OR follows a pantheon religion of obedience to become part of a ‘greater good’ by being obedient to one’s station in life, and therefore entitled to move upwards in an endless cycle of rebirth.”
Jesus did not say, “No one comes to the Father except through Me OR denies my very existence and the existence of My Father in Heaven.”
Jesus did not say, “No one comes to the Father except through Me OR ‘believes’ in their own divinity and embraces the world in love, oneness and unity.”
JESUS was very clear, “"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."" John 14:6
My point is I believe in the simple truth God said, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 That the HOPE and FUTURE God gave us was His Son, fully God and fully man. That the Man, Christ Jesus, was sinless, was crucified, dead, buried, and resurrected, and “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
God gave us a perfect sacrifice so that we could be ‘acceptable’ in His sight.
Because I believe that, and try to obey the Bible, I still ‘make’ the ‘mark’ of religious institutes of man. Even if my belief in Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Savior, the Gift of God, His blood is the only necessity for inheriting eternal life, is ABSOLUTELY WRONG, I still might get into heaven anyway, according to various religions.
The opposite is not true.
Obeying Catechism and all the dictates of the Roman Catholic Church (or any ‘Christian’ denomination for that matter) WITHOUT believing that Jesus Christ’s blood shed on the cross for me is the only way to inherit heaven, will not get me into heaven.
Obeying all the commands of Allah in the Qur’an, believing in the God of Abraham, and the covenant with Ishmael, WITHOUT believing God gave me the gift of eternal life through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ will not get me into heaven.
Obeying all the Law of Moses, as set forth in the Old Testament WITHOUT believing that Jesus Christ is the Messiah of the Old Covenant, will not get me into heaven.
Following the “Noble Eightfold Path” WITHOUT believing Jesus Christ died for me, will not get me reborn in a more noble form or help me reach ‘Nirvana’.
Following the four Yogas WITHOUT believing Christ is the way, the Truth, and the Life will not let me reach Brahman.
Denying the existence of God and the supernatural divine, certainly WILL NOT get me into heaven.
Believing that we are all interconnected in a Universal Oneness of Love and already partakers of the Divine WITHOUT believing in the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ will not let me take part in the total fulfillment of His Perfect Love.
The ‘kernel’ of ‘Truth’ in most religions is that there is a ‘hereafter’ (a heaven of sorts - whether it is a mystical place, a state of mind, or a physical place) and a way to get there. Where the deviation occurs quite simply is ‘how’ to get there.
As the third part of the article, “Judged” presents it, THERE ARE NO BACK DOORS to Heaven. There is ONE door - Jesus Christ - no other way exists.
As Loren commented, “Jesus lived, and died, and rose again. This was foretold for centuries in advance and the effects of His resurrection have transcended the ages to still change lives today. None of those other religions can say anything close to this.
So what is life about? And what about the after life? Ask the only one who ever died and rose again. Everyone else is speculating, but He would really know. This is the most staggering truth mankind can ever grasp.”
If there is another way to reach ‘Heaven’, Jesus Christ’s entire birth, life, torture, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection is meaningless. Jesus Christ was who He said He was, The SON OF GOD, or history’s biggest fool.
If He was who He said He was, there is no way around, “"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."" John 14:6
If He was history’s biggest fool, then I am a bigger fool, because I believe Him… Even so, that still may get me into heaven because I am following ‘some’ of the dictates of various religions that ‘claim’ another way to enlightenment.
If I am wrong, I may get in the backdoor to heaven.
If I am right, I get in the front door. However, there are many ‘well meaning’ people that will not…
That said, I can not lose…
However, others can…
And THAT is the point…
You have the opportunity to be assured of a place in Heaven!