Destroying America - God’s Way - Part II
I am not a ‘doomsayer’. I am not a ‘hyper-conservative’ ‘Christian’ that has been saying for years, “If God doesn’t judge San Francisco and New Orleans, God has to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!” [2]
I am pretty much a simple man. I do not have the gift of prophecy or interpreting prophecy [3].
My primary concern in life is the ‘Great Commission’ [4]. In a nutshell, the song Amazing Grace (words by John Newton 1779) speaks specifically to ‘where my heart is’. There is the phrase,
“When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we'd first begun...”
One must also recognize the obverse is also true,
“When they've been there ten thousand years
In Hell's bosom won,
They've no less days in torment's maze
Than when they'd first begun…”
Friends, an eternity separated from God is torment. Numerous articles here explain my earnest desire to count you a member of the ‘family’, and how you can ‘rest’ in God’s saving Grace.
However, having strayed a little, let us get back to subject at hand. I said I am not a prophet. I do not have that gift… Personally, I am grateful for that, it is an awesome responsibility. In matters of prophecy, I defer to others. I look to men of God that have studied Biblical prophecy for decades.
What I am ‘seeing’ through their words scares me. They are systematically outlining the destruction of America through the ‘lenses’ of Biblical prophecy. These are not ‘right wing hyper conservative’ Biblical bigots. These are not people looking for their “15 minutes of fame”. They are God fearing people looking at the historical and prophetic significance of events in America today. These people study the Bible regularly. They do not ‘jump on the bandwagon’ of the latest ‘religious’ fad. Many of them are ‘shunned’ because they teach the Truth, not what people want to hear.
In the three part article "Judged" we discussed the FACT that God judges everyone. We discussed the fact that God is a righteous God, and (in part 2 comments section) that God is Just. What we did not address is that God not only judges us as individuals, God also judges nations. Again, the focus of the “Judged” series is where we will spend eternity based on our individual judgement by God. However, in ‘this life’ as short as it may be, we must also look at other aspects of God and His judgements.
God judges nations based on their ‘community’ behavior. Specifically, Psalm 110:6 says, “He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill the places with dead bodies, He shall execute the heads of many countries.” The Old Testament is rife with God pouring out judgements on nations. Sodom and Gomorrah are the ‘classic’ example, but that just begins to scratch the surface. The New Testament ‘God of grace’ is the SAME God of wrath from the Old Testament. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that God does not change. He is the same, “yesterday, today, and forever.” In other words, God continues to judge nations based on their ‘community’ behavior.
Review the article here, “Palestine vs. Israel” (July 23, 2005). In it, we discussed that God made a covenant with Israel (the Jews). He promised them the land of Canaan. This is a promise from God. It cannot be revoked. God gave the Jews the land of Canaan.
So, the question is what does any of this have to do with Biblical prophecy? More appropriately, what does God’s promise to Israel about Canaan, Biblical prophecy, God judging nations, and current events have to do with destroying America?
For about 50 years after Israel became a nation, the United States of America unilaterally supported Israel. Financially and politically, it was the policy of every administration to support Israel. Back in 1991, that stance changed. Since 1991, the United States has used political pressure on Israel to give up their land in an effort for peace.
We already know from “Palestine vs. Israel” that there will be no peace until all Jews are dead and all of Israel belongs to Palestinians (according to Palestinian philosophy). Now the United States is helping Palestinians carve up Israel in an effort ‘make’ peace. That is a dangerous thing. It tempts God to pour out His judgement on the United States.
Shortly after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast many ‘hyper conservatives’ “Christians” came out of the woodwork saying, “See, God is judging New Orleans! I told you so!” It is an interesting point of view. However, some others took a much harder look at the devastation and came to a different conclusion.
William Koenig published a book, “Eye to Eye: The Consequences of Dividing Israel” available at He published this book in 2004. In it, Mr. Koenig outlines how some of the worst and most costly natural disasters in America follow political actions dividing Israel. Understand what he is saying. Mr. Koenig asserts that many natural disasters in America are divine judgements. Taking Israel away from the Jews results in a natural disaster.
Whoa! That is a very strong statement. Mr. Koenig’s book examines the historical evidence predating publication in 2004.
Mr. Koenig asserts that:
- 9 of the 10 costliest insurance events in U.S. history
- 6 of the 7 costliest hurricanes in U.S. history
- 3 of the 4 largest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history
- 9 of the 10 top ten natural disasters in U.S. history as ranked by FEMA by relief costs
- the two largest terrorism events in U.S. history
These are all catastrophes that did occur within a couple of days of the American Government influencing Israel to give up land or divide Jerusalem. [Again, this book was published eight months before Katrina.]
That is very strong ‘stuff’. How does Hurricane Katrina rate? If Mr. Koenig’s assertions are correct, then Katrina MUST be ‘related’. August 22, 2005 Israel, under U.S. and international pressure, completed a withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. The next day, Hurricane Katrina developed off the coast of Bermuda. It was only the most powerful hurricane in modern history. Katrina devastated New Orleans. She interrupted 25% of the U.S.’s crude oil production. She effectively shut down the largest port (in terms of tonnage) in the U.S. It is an ‘interesting’ coincidence.
So, Mr. Koenig is a ‘nut-job’. He is some ‘hyper-conservative’ ‘do-gooder’ preaching out of a tent somewhere in Oklahoma or Kansas looking for his “15 minutes”. He has picked some random events and pieced them together. Hindsight is 20-20. He just got ‘lucky’. In the first place, Mr. Koenig did not predict ‘Katrina’. He identified a pattern of events. One could call them coincidences, but that denies the nature of God. Mr. Koenig identified this pattern eight months before ‘Katrina’ was ‘born’.
However, he could be a ‘nut-job’. I do not think so. You see, Mr. Koenig has some ‘interesting’ credentials. Mr. Koenig is an unusual individual. In fact, he is rare. He is one of only 250 people in the world. Mr. Koenig is a White House press corps correspondent. He has passed Secret Service investigations and background checks. He has limited access (as an individual not part of the administration) to the President of the United States. Think about it. Here is a person that has access to The President. If he was a ‘nut-job’, there is no way he would have that kind of access.
Mr. Koenig is not alone. Many Christian leaders and Bible scholars have come to same conclusion as Mr. Koenig. Dr. David Reagan of "Lamb & Lion Ministries" has published an October 2005 ‘Special Edition’ of "Lamplighter" Magazine addressing this issue in a Biblical perspective [5]. In the ‘Special Edition’ Dr. Reagan cites numerous columnists and numerous other ‘Prophecy Teachers’ that have arrived at the same conclusions.
The bottom line is this. I am not a prophet. However, the conclusions of these Biblical scholars seem unavoidable. As long as the Government of America pressures Israel into giving up its land or dividing Jerusalem, America will pay a price in judgement. If one wants to destroy America, all one has to do is keep encouraging the Government to dice up Israel. The judgement of nations does not have the same ‘eternal’ consequences as judgement of people (although there are implications for the ‘Millennial Kingdom’). A question we as a nation need to ask ourselves - Do we want to stand ‘with the World’ or ‘with God’.
Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”
That is my fervent prayer. That God will turn the heart of our ‘king’, President Bush. I pray that the President will stop trying to divide Israel, and start defending her again.
It is ironic that as I write this, "Fox News" has two articles that are ‘pertinent’.
The first, "Rice Brokers Mideast Border-Crossings Deal" talks about how Secretary State Condoleezza Rice has brokered a plan to ‘surrender’ control of a Gaza Strip border crossing from Israel to Palestinians. Its date is 15 November. The second, "Tornadoes Charge Through Midwest" talks about the spate of tornadoes that slammed the Midwest and Southeast U.S. overnight, and it is dated 16 November. Is this another coincidence?
[1] God says, “Test me,” in Malachi 3:10 - 11 regarding blessings bestowed on one for ‘Giving to God’. One should take note of Malachi 3:9 - God curses the ENTIRE nation for NOT giving to Him.
[2] The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is in Genesis 19. Genesis 19:24-25 specifically tells us God destroyed the cities.
[3] The Holy Spirit bestows Spiritual Gifts on all believers according to 1 Corinthians 12.
[4] “The Great Commission” found in Mark 16:15, “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Crf. Matthew 28:19)
[5] Dr. Reagan outlines some of the significant events (and the judgements) since the change in the Administration’s dealings with Israel. Additionally, Dr. Reagan points to some of the historical consequences other nations have faced, from the Roman Empire to World War II.
[**] Read the ‘Comments’ for some additional information.
1. Consider ‘America’s’ reaction to the ‘divine’ judgements. America was very clearly angry and hurt by the September 11 attacks. Shortly after, there was finger pointing and blame. BUT, the ‘real’ anger came after the attacks when Americans faced the economic and lifestyle challenges from the attacks. The airline industry has still not fully recovered. People continue to complain bitterly about ‘delays’ at airports. The same is true of Katrina. America was hurt and angry. While both events showed an outpouring of generosity and compassion, they both had a ‘dark’ underside. Shortly after Katrina, the accusations and blame began to fly. Americans were hurt at the gas pump as gasoline prices jumped. Those complaints have been so bitter that Congress is holding hearings on price gouging by energy companies. Americans become very ‘touchy’ when one ‘attacks’ its economics. People get really upset when it costs them money.
These ‘judgements’ hurt ALL Americans, not just the people in the affected area. One should seriously consider how much ‘judgement’ American can tolerate before it implodes.
2. Having read the news report about the border crossing in Gaza, consider the implications. The American Government has ‘forced’ or ‘coerced’ Israel to give up control of one of her borders.
Think about it. It would be like handing control of the U.S. Border Crossing in El Paso, Texas completely over to the Mexican Government. There would be no U.S. Customs or Border Patrol Agents at the crossing. The only thing the U.S. could do was ‘watch’ TV in order to see what was happening. The U.S. would not have a say in who was allowed into the country. The U.S. could ‘object’, but the ‘final’ decision would be in the hands of the Mexican Government. In order to make it fair - the U.S. would import a foreign national from Europe to observe. This ‘observer’ would not speak either English or Spanish - but would still be ‘responsible’ to ‘make sure’ that the Mexicans did not allow any illegals, terrorists, or contraband (drugs, weapons, etc.) into the U.S.
America is already alarmed at the ‘holes’ in our borders, what would happen if the Government brokered that kind of deal?
That is exactly what the U.S. has done in Israel. A country constantly ‘at war’ with terrorists is being forced to allow someone else to control a portion of her border.
That is just plain insanity. Yet the U.S. Government has brokered this deal.
While I support the United States of America and I support the President of the United States. - As a disabled combat veteran, I've done more than just pay lip service to "I support".
In this matter I am strongly opposed to the administration's position. That does not mean I will not continue my support of the Government. It means what it says, I oppose this position.
Again, If you want to destroy America, encourage the continued course of action in Israel.
If you want to preserve America, PRAY!
Interesting article. I am leaning towards Katrina being a judgment from God, but I've never seen it tied to dividing Israel.
In fairness, I have to wonder if that link holds up each time this issue is raised, or if this link is the only claimant, i.e, whether there are other events that could match consistently as well, and could also be claimed as the reason. But I don't suppose that sort of research has been done.
This would be the clencher for me: Amos 3:7 says that God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. So I'd either like to see a modern 'prophet' tying these events together by foretelling them, or an ancient prophet setting forth the principle that diving the land of Israel after they returned would bring judgments in the form of natural disasters.
As you point out, this is not a 'one time' event.
1 Corinthians 12:10 states that 'prophecy' is a Spritual Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Based on my limited knowledge, I would attribute that gift to men like William Koenig, David Reagan, Dave Wilkerson, Gary Frazier, Gary Fisher, Don McGee, Al Gist, and Don Perkings. Remember, using Daniel as 'one' example, Daniel did not have the prophetic vision - but it was given to him to interpret those visions - In that manner, these men fall under Amos 3:7.
We look at the events 'after' "Eye to Eye" was published. Katrina being the 'big' one. Even so, as I wrote the 'original' article on the 15th and 16th of November, the events that transpired seem 'prophetic'.
But lets take a look at SOME other Historical 'Evidence':
October 30 1991: The Madrid Conference opened (the first land for peace deal brokered by the US forcing Israel to consider trading land for peace) - 'The Perfect Storm' formed in the North Atlantic on November 1st. (Then President Bush's Maine home was seriously damaged - not to mention the book and the movie by the same name...)
August 24 1992: Round 6 Bilateral Peace talks at Camp David where P.M. Rabin was 'forced' to sit down with Yassar Arrafat - The same day Hurricane Andrew hit land in Florida.
September 1998: Arafat Addresses the United Nations in New York to pressure Israel back to the land for peace deals - the same day Hurricane Georges hit the Gulf coast doing $6 Billion in damages.
May 4 1999: Arafat proclaims (with US support) a 'Palestinian State'. The 'official' proclamation date was was not made until December but the paperwork was signed 4 May - MidEast time, 3 May 1999 in the U.S.) 3 May 1999, the most powerful tornado in U.S. History hit Oklahoma. [Loren you might remember that one].
July 11-July 24 2000, Then President Clinton at Camp David, tried to pressure Israel into dividing Jerusalem. A major heat wave hit South Central U.S. - additionally, 500,000 acres of forestland went up in smoke in the west (more than half the size of Rhode Island). Damage in the Billions.
November 7 2002: White House has its first ever 'Ramadan' Celebration - two days later 88 tornadoes hit the Southeast
May 4 2003: then Secretary of State Colin Powell 'promises' the 'Golan Heights' to Hafez Assad of Syria.
May 4 - May 11 2003 - 412 tornados hit the U.S. - the largest number in recorded history (the second largest was 177 and happened to coincide with the Oklahoma tornado in 1999).
That is just a partial list (Koenig's book is some 300+ pages) I honestly believe, having gone back to some of the archived 'messages' by many of these men, that they have been TALKING, but like in Jeremiah's day, nobody is listening.
Those are my 'off the cuff' thoughts.
I would be remiss if I did not add Hal Lindsey to that list of people with the gift of prophecy.
Since his publication of "The Late Great Planet Earth" (1980) through "The Road to Holocaust" (1990) Mr. Lindsey has been an 'unpopular' man with an 'unpopular' message.
I don't know about his works since 1990, but his previous books certainly 'warn' of judgements facing those who mess with God's Covenant with Israel.
Loren asked where the Amos 3:7 prophets were. Again, I believe they are alive and well. They have been 'preaching' the same things for 20+ years - few are listening.
Hi David,
You may be right about that. I don't suppose, however, that God's will is being thwarted through anything that actually transpires in Israel.
You may have noticed that the Scriptures assign more land to Israel than they now have, not less. This is not going to occur because peacful Moslems see the light, hand over the keys and walk away. It's going to take place through another war.
But wait a minute. Haven't we ween wars between them already? And Israel was pressured to give back the lands.
Personally (not prophetically,) I think another war will occur in which Israel will be so much in the right that the whole world has to recognize their conquest and annexation as legitimate and permanent.
I think if that starts with their willingly giving up land, that scenario will become more likely. That way, if they are attacked again, they can say "We've tried giving up land; now we're going to try keeping it."
Either way, those borders will come into being and God's word will not return to Him void. The penduluum may simply be swinging so it can come back further when it comes the other way.
Have a happy Thanksgiving!
I concur with your evaluation to a point.
As a matter of (prophetic) fact, one of the 'necessities' of the 'end of times' is that the Temple must be rebuilt in Jerusalem.
The only way that can happen is if the Jews 'own' the land undisputed. Right now there is a mosque on the site.
The 'BIG' question (which is the 'bottom line' of the article) is WHERE will the United States stand when that happens?
[Our continued prayer is that it will stand WITH Israel] - There will come a time when "the nations" will turn AGAINST Israel - Inviting God's wrath and Judgement - again a prophecy relating to the 'end times'.
In the meantime - we can only hope and pray - that the US changes its current 'trend'- back to the unilateral support of Israel.
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