Monday, January 23, 2006

Running Out of Time…

We are running out of time. There are numerous pundits claiming the ‘end is near’. The end is near. What do we do about it?

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."" John 14:6

“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.””
Mark 16:15 (crf. Matt. 28:18-20, Luke 24:46-47).

There are numerous ‘Christians’ claiming that the Biblical prophecy about the end of the World is drawing closer. Many, across the board, are laying hold of current events and telling us that the ‘End of the World’ is imminent. They claim that the events unfolding in the world are significant signs of the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. In other words, they are claiming the World is getting ready to end.

So what? Some making this claim, as they have in the past, are getting rid of their possessions and going to a ‘mountaintop’ to wait for Christ’s return. Some are much more conservative, and just claiming that the ‘signs of the times’ point to His pending return. Regardless of their bent, radical or conservative, they are preaching the ‘End of Time’.

Again, I say, so what?

Let us put this in perspective. Luke 12 tells the story of a man storing riches. Verse 20 says, “But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’”. Basically, God tells the man he is going to die. The article, “New Year - New Resolutions - New Perspective” quotes a similar passage in James 4:13-15.

The bottom line is either the world is going to end or we are going to die. My step-father, Fred, is a godly man. Fred has a ‘Christ-like’ attitude as described in the article mentioned, “New Year - New Resolutions - New Perspective”. There is a difference. Fred has terminal bone cancer. He is dying. He knows he is dying. He does not know if he has a week, a month, or a year. Nevertheless, he knows he is dying - he can feel it.

New Years Eve, he shared something. Fred told a few of us at a small gathering that he had ONE major prayer request for the New Year. Now most would be thinking he was praying for a ‘miraculous’ cure. That is not Fred. As stated, Fred is a godly man with a ‘Christ-like’ attitude. Fred’s one prayer request for the New Year was that each of his kids (natural, step-children, and their spouses) along with each of his grand-children and every Christian he knows would ‘reach’ at least one person for Christ. Fred is praying that each member of his extended family shares the gospel of salvation with someone this year… That is a dying man’s request! [Fred is ALL about doing “His Father’s Business”!]

Now here is the revelation. Fred has an edge over most of us. He recognizes every day that he is dying. The truth is each of us is dying. None of us knows when “our souls will be required of us”. Just as importantly, none of us knows when another’s life will end. The reality is that we live in denial. The truth is that tragedy strikes each of our lives. It may be something as mind numbing as the terrorist attacks of September 11, or a plane crash. It may also be a car accident, a heart attack, or simply death in our sleep. The bottom line is still the same. Whether the world is coming to a screeching halt, or we simply die, we are running out of time.

We do not know how much time we have left. We do not know how many more opportunities each of us has to share the gospel of salvation. Just as importantly, we have no idea how much that ‘friend’ we have been ‘meaning’ to share the gospel with has left either… For whatever reason, today could be the last time we have the opportunity.

We need to be about our “Father’s business”. We need to embrace Fred’s attitude - knowing that we are ‘Running Out of Time’. Do not wait to share the Truth. Eternity is at stake. Luke 15:10 tells us, “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.””. Let us be about ‘Our Father’s Business’ and cause a party riot in heaven!

We are all running out of time. For Christians, the opportunities to share the gospel are limited. Let us make the best use of the time we have.


If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you may be wondering about the fuss. Here is the bottom line - Eternity is a long time. You have a choice. You can spend it with God, at the biggest celebration in the Universe. On the other hand, you can spend it alone, separate from God, in a place filled with despair (separate from everyone else - contrary to popular belief, you do not get to share your eternity with all the people that say, “I’ll be too busy partying in hell with my friends to care!”).

The choice is yours - all it takes is simple acceptance of a few facts. 1. You are sinner. 2. The only way into Heaven is have your sins paid for. 3. Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins. 4. Confessing your sins (to Him) and accepting His forgiveness is the only way. [Scroll down to the three part series “Judged” - there are a number of ‘examples’ and some help there - or email me.]


Blogger Cleopas said...

Hi David,

A very timely word -- even if some of us don't realize it.

I recall a sermon in which one of my pastors went to a ball game, and ran across an old childhood acquaintance. They chatted for a bit, and he felt that he was supposed to share the gospel with him -- but for whatever reason, he didn't. A couple of weeks later he saw his friend's obituary in the paper.

Our time is always ready. Think of how this pastor felt, and how we might feel if we were in his place. The redepemption of the soul is precious and it ceases forever.

In another example, my wife was talking with her hairdresser and he told her that his sister and also someone else had just shared the gospel with him. He had told them No, but obviously he was still thinking about it. A few days later he died too.

Perhaps at the very end he reconsidered and accepted the Lord -- we'll never know until we are with the Lord ourselves. But I know the only real comfort he left behind was the knowledge that he had been thinking about it, and might have.

What could be said at the funeral of these two men? Among their family and friends who remained, if there was love, there could only be comfort in knowing that their loved one was saved.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Unchained Slave said...

I have been to many funerals. They are always sad occasions. However, It always strikes me that it is obvious when I am at Christian’s funeral and when I am at a we do not know’s funeral.

At both, there is sorrow. At a Christian’s funeral there is also HOPE and peace. Friends and family know they will see there loved one again in a better place.

At other funerals, the phrase, “Father into your hands we commit their spirit,” sounds like a plea bargain. There is no hope, there is no peace, and there is no certainty.

1 John 5:13 says, “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life…”

10:39 AM  

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