Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Claiming Rights

There is a lot of talk these days about “Rights”. Human Rights, The Bill of Rights, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, and even Illegal Immigrants’ Rights are all in the news. There is also talk about privileges that ‘should’ be Rights, like a driver’s license. One Right is not in the news and really should be.

With all these “Rights”, there are ‘conditions’.

Human Rights: one has to extend the same to others, and in many cases (Internationally) must fight to gain them.

The Bill of Rights: The ten original Amendments to the Constitution, one must be a citizen of the United States of America to claim these rights.

Civil Rights: Again, one has to claim them legally and extend the same to others without regard.

Voting Rights: One must be qualified to vote.

Illegal Immigrants’ Rights: (I was going to leave this one alone, but hey,) Illegal Immigrants are hypocrites. They are claiming rights under laws that they themselves are breaking. IT is like burglars demanding the ‘right’ to keep what they are stealing because they broke into your house.

Step on a person’s rights and watch them rebel, especially in the United States. Step on peoples rights, and watch them, riot, protest, form political action committees, organizations, and groups to demand their rights (Amnesty International, ACLU, NRA, La Raza Unida, and on and on…).

The one right one hears little about and very few people claiming or demanding:
“...He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name...”
John 1:12

What, we have the right to become children of God? It says, “…those who believe in His name” have “the right to become children of God”.

“Wait a minute, what is the catch?”

“You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!” James 2:19

It says even demons believe, does that mean they are the children of God?

No, read what it says, “…the right tobecome”.
It does not say just because you believe you get an ‘automatic’ pass. It says, “TO become”. It does not say one automatically is. As the other rights mentioned, it is conditional.

It says one has the right to become, not “one is” already there…
Just believing Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, part of the Triune entity that is God, is not enough. Even demons believe that.

Why do demons believe that and tremble? Because they know what He is, He is “the Power of God for Salvation” (Romans 1:16). (Not to mention the fact that He has a special place for them. (Matthew 25:41))

We stated that with rights come conditions. What are the conditions to claim this right? “…that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Romans 10:8-10

“…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 6:23

To claim that ‘Right’ to be a child of God is in fact simple.
Acknowledge you are a sinner. (Romans 3:23)

*Note this - demons tremble at the name of God. Knowing who God is, and who Jesus is, would a demon call God a liar? Before one resists acknowledging they have sinned, read this: “If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.” 1 John 1:10. Is one REALLY so bold or depraved that one will call God a liar? [1]

Acknowledge that there is no other way to stand before God, blameless except cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. (John 14:6, 1 John 1:7, 1 John 1:9). [Notice back in John 1:12, “He GAVE…” The 'right' is a gift, and salvation is a gift (Ephesians 2:8-9).]

Believe, confess and accept…

[Mark 1:17 (David) over at “Get Out of the Boat” has two pieces that really address this. The first title is, “He Is Risen, He Has Risen Indeed!” -Relating the story of Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the Risen Christ - and her response, - this should be our response… Additionally, for all those that ‘think’ Heaven is a boring, stuffy, place where people have nothing better to do than play harps and sit on clouds - the series “5 Surprises In Heaven” is a good overview of an exciting place I want to be (and will be one day).]

[If one is already ‘committed’ to the Risen Lord, Pulpit of the Last Days has aa very good multi-part course “Foundational Modules and Basic Modules” dedicated to ‘building up a ‘disciple’. Proverbs 22:6 tells us that if we train right, we will stick with it…]

[‘Risen-Soul’ at “To Die is Gain” not only is an excellent site for expository teaching, by following Jacob’s example, one can learn to study the Bible the same way. Read a passage, understand the passage, and then have real-world applications for the lessons in the passage.]

[1] From John 1:10-12, Romans 1:18-32, John 6:44, we know; Yes, man is depraved enough to deny God and call Him a liar, unless drawn to Him.


Blogger Cleopas said...

Hi David,

When I read your articles I sometimes think of tracts. I know I've asked you this before, but have you given any more thought to creating salvation tracts? I think the Lord would use them.

Tracts, of course, are just a tool, but they can provide some follow up or even help open the door in the first place. And in a sense, your blog is like on online tract anyway.

Some thoughts to pray about.

9:40 PM  
Blogger Unchained Slave said...

Thank you for your consideration.
Yes, you have asked about 'me' creating tracts...
I still feel led to pursue this avenue of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are however, some 'tract' resources 'immediately' available from other sources:

With all these resources, it is hard to imagine I would come up with something different. The Gospel of Jesus Christ IS The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

"The Navigators" is an ‘Evangelical’ organization that has a list of online downloadable ‘tracts’ here.

The two ‘most valuable’ for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ are:
The Bridge to Life (also available in .Pdf for printing)

One Verse Evangelism (with instructions)

Additionally, there is ‘The Hand’ illustration (with instructions) that shows the importance of The Word.
The Hand (with its explanation)

Also available online, developed by The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is "Steps to Peace With God". ChristianBooks.com sells them for (the best price I found online) less than $7.00 for 25.

I personally like the ‘One Verse Evangelism’ because it is - simple, pointed, and straightforward…

I do appreciate your insight and support,

In Christ,
Unchained Slave

Direct URLs (in case links do not work):
The Navigators:

The Navigators illustrations:

The Bridge to Life

One Verse Evangelism

The Hand

"Steps to Peace With God" [at ChristianBooks.com - for sale]*

*I am not a 'subsidiary' or 'licensee' of any of these organizations. I do not receive any compensation from them in any form (except prayer). It is quite possible that a local Christian bookseller or another online outlet has these materials. These are what I found based on what I have in my library, and a quick search of the internet. ""Bridge Illustration" +Christ" on Google nets over 500 results (it is free from The Navigators). “Steps to Peace with God” nets about 40,000 results (many reprints of the contents of the Billy Graham tract).

2:20 PM  

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